√ Parents of Elizabeth Helen Murphy

Frank + Anna, about 1955
Frank and Anna married at St. Nicholas Church, St. Louis, Missouri. Anna was the daughter of German immigrants. She said her personality was one marked by “German determination.”
If you were lucky enough to be their grandchild and live in St. Louis, you could spend overnights at their home, where you got to stay up late watching their new TV, and eat lots of cake which Mum made just for you. You could throw things down their laundry chute and watch as they landed in the basement. There was a big yard with Mum’s many beautiful rose bushes. She allowed you to cut roses and take them home.
Frank was born in Omaha, Nebraska, before birth records were required. When he wanted a passport (about 1955), he had to get sworn testimony from a relative stating he was born in the United States. The photo is their passport photo.