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Anna Milkass (1869-1956)

Chart | Marriage | Children | Death | Census

Wife of Lorenz Weiss √

Facts (with source information): Narrative Report

What's not so great about these records?
We know so little about her, not even the proper spelling of her name. You will see several variations in the records below. One might hope to find the correct spelling on her marriage license or in the records of her children’s baptisms. But one might be disappointed.


1895 Marriage

Marriage license, St. Louis, Missouri
lower left corner
Her name is Milcas. But her husband’s name is spelled incorrectly. So, this might not be the best source.

The priest’s name and address tell us that Lorenz and Anna married at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Sadly, the microfilm for that parish has no marriage records earlier than 1904. There are baptism records as far back as 1873. I do not know why the marriage records are missing.
(film 007513817, image 536)


1896 Frank Lorenz Weiss

Holy Trinity, St. Louis, Missouri
left side, second entry
His mother’s name is Müllkas. The priest wrote the umlaut, indicating the German pronunciation was used.
(film 008132910, image 118)

1899 Lawrence Weiss

Holy Trinity, St. Louis, Missouri
left side, third entry
His mother’s name is Muehkass.
(film 008132910, image 184)

1907 Anna Theresia Weiss

Holy Trinity, St. Louis, Missouri
left side, second entry
Her mother’s name is Milkass or Milkess or Milkaess.
(film 008132910, image 330)

1956 Death

St. Louis, Missouri
The informant is her son, Lawrence. He does not provide any information about her parents or her birthplace.

1956 Burial

St. Philip Neri, St. Louis, Missouri
Number 18
(film 008132882, image 894)

Calvary Cemetery
St. Louis, Missouri

Family Plot in Calvary Cemetery

Buried in the family plot along with Anna Weiss are her husband, Lorenz, her son and daughter-in-law, Frank and Helen Weiss, her daughter’s family (Harry, Anna, and Mary Leifeld), her son Lawrence, two of her grandchildren and their spouses (William and Carol Spies and Kenneth and Dora Weiss).

Census Records:

1900 Census

lines 64-67

1910 Census

lines 76-80

1920 Census

lines 42-45

1930 Census

lines 72-75

1940 Census

lines 78-80