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Alexander Stratton (1822-1904)

Charts | Birth | Marriage | Biography | Death| Census

Son of Isaac Stratton and Sarah (probably)
Husband of Catherine Worline √

Facts (with source information): Narrative Report

What's not so great about these records?

There are no primary records proving his relationship with his parents. We have to rely on an 1880 book in which Alexander gave an interview. Also, the exact date of his birth is unknown. It may have been 1821 or 1822. And neither his mother’s nor his grandmother’s maiden name is known. That’s why his ancestor chart is so sparse.


1822 Birth (or was it 1821?)

This transcription of entries from the Stratton family bible was made in 1929 by Edna Stratton Stephens Morgan, granddaughter of Alexander. Edna was attending the funeral of her mother in Denver, Colorado. She found a little diary that her mother had written in 1874 when she lived in Delaware County, Ohio. Edna must have had access to a family bible, and she copied information from that bible into the back of the diary. These are birth dates of her grandparents Alexander and Catherine (lines 1-2), her parents Andrew and Anna (lines 5-6), and of Edna herself and her brothers Harry and Otis (lines 9-11).

This is akin to having a birth record, but it isn’t in agreement with other sources. See the census records, below. Is this one correct? Did Edna copy the date incorrectly? Are the others wrong? We do not know.

1848 Marriage

He married Catherine Worline October 13, 1848 in Delaware County, Ohio.
right side, number 168
Delaware County, Ohio, marriage records
FHL film 000391395, image 70

1880 Biography

The biographical sketch of Alexander Stratton is from a book about Delaware County that was published during his lifetime. It appears he gave an interview to the author. Notice that it says he was born in 1821, and that it names his parents. This is the only source we have that identifies his parents. Unfortunately, this is a “source,” not a primary record.

1904 Death

He died July 23, 1904 in Marlborough Township, Delaware County, Ohio. His age is given as 83 years and one month, which would mean he was born in June of 1821.
Delaware County Court death records
FHL film 004411326, image 387

recorded May 12, 1905

Census Records:

Census records before 1850 do not show names, except for the head of the household.
The 1890 census was lost in a fire.

Notice all the neighbors named Worline. That is the maiden name of Alexander’s wife, Catherine.

1850 Census

Alexander is 28 years old. It is August 23, 1850.
Includes Elizabeth Worline, his mother-in-law
lines 36-38

1860 Census

Alexander is 37 years old. It is August 1, 1860.
lines 6-12

1870 Census

Alexander is 48 years old. It is June 6, 1870.
lines 30-35

1880 Census

Alexander is 58 years old. It is June 16, 1880.
1880 is the first census in which people’s relationships were documented. Catherine is identified as Alexander’s wife. And their son who lives in their household is tagged “Son.”
His son Andrew Elias Stratton is shown next door, along with Andrew’s wife and child. The child is Edna Stratton.
lines 35-40

1900 Census

Alexander is 78 years old. It is June 6, 1900. The record says he was born in June of 1821.
lines 5-6