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Carol Anita Weiss (1920-1988)

Chart | Baptism | Confirmation | Marriage | Children | Death| Census

Daughter of Frank Lorenz George Weiss and Helen Margaret Beck √
Wife of William Roland Spies √

Facts (with source information): Narrative Report

What's not so great about these records?
I’ve been unable to get her marriage record from the Catholic ceremony. The Archdiocese for the Military has the record. When asked for a copy of the record, they made out a certificate, one that left out the names of their parents and also had the name of the groom incorrect. When asked a second time, they again made out a certificate, one that had the location incorrect. Sigh. Still trying …


1920 Baptism:

Holy Trinity, St. Louis, Missouri
3rd entry

1929 Confirmation:

St. Philip Neri, St. Louis, Missouri
2nd last entry

1943 Marriage

Tampa, Florida
lower left side

1944 Birth of her son James:

Her first child was born in Tampa. This record from his confirmation in St. Louis in 1951 (Nativity of Our Lord Parish) says that he was baptized at Sacred Heart Parish, Tampa, Florida on August 27, 1944.

lower left corner

1988 Funeral

Transfiguration, St. Louis County, Missouri
No. 351

Cemetery plot: 1992 Burial-Family Plot

Census Records:

More recent census records are not yet public.

1930 Census

lines 53-58

1940 Census

lines 61-66