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Gertrude Traumann (1843-1894)

Chart | Passenger | Children | Death| Census

√ Wife of Frank Christoph Grove

Facts (with source information): Narrative Report

What's so great about these records?
Not much is known, but at least we can get her name right. The baptism records of her four sons say it was Traumann/Dramen/Kramen, not something else that appeared decades later on a family death certificate. The rule is to take information from records that were written close in time to the event.



1867 Passenger Record

SS Atlantic arrived at New York City Sept. 11, 1867. The top of this page gives that information.

Franz Grove, wife and daughter
lines 8-10

Baptism Records of her children

St. Nicholas, St. Louis, Missouri

1870 Baptism of son Theodore

lower right side (mother’s name is Drammen)
FHL film 007856285, image 731

1873 Baptism of son Charles

lower right side (mother’s name is Traumann)
FHL film 007856285, image 787

1875 Baptism of son Fred

upper right corner (mother’s name is Kramen)
FHL film 007856285, image 817

1876 Baptism of son Louis

right side, Nov. 5th (mother’s name is Trammann)
FHL f007856366, image 46

1932 Death of son Louis

This record is the reason you will see people on the Internet saying that Gertrude’s name was Winkleman. It is a primary record for her son Louis. However, it is incorrect. We have no less than four primary records where she herself gave her name, and it was NOT Winkleman.

1894 Death

St. Louis, Missouri
middle of the left-hand page

1894 burial certificate

Census Records

1870 Census

lines 9-11

1880 Census

lines 44-49