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Bridget McCarthy (1827- )

Chart | Primary_Records | Census


Wife of Michael J. Murphy

Facts (with source information): Narrative Report

What's so bad about these records?
We know little about her, not even when she died. She may have re-married after Michael Murphy’s death in 1878. She is not buried with him.


Primary Records:

1856 Baptism of daughter Margaret

St. Lawrence O’Toole, St. Louis, Missouri
(Right side, near the bottom)
Mother is Bridget McCarthy. The godmother is also named McCarthy.

1934 Death Certificate of daughter Margaret

Margaret Marseilles
(Informant is Frank Murphy, grandson of Michael and Bridget.
Sadly, he does not know the maiden name of his grandmother.)

Census Records:

1860 Census, page 1

lines 38-40

1860 Census, page 2

lines 1-2

1870 Census

lines 1-7