Author Archives: admin

Michael J Murphy (1825-1878)

Chart | Death| Census

Immigrant. Earliest known person of this line.

Father of Michael J Murphy √
Husband of Bridget, possibly Bridget McCarthy

Facts (with source information): Narrative Report

What's so bad about these records?
We know little about Michael Murphy the immigrant. I have not found a passenger record or any primary record that names his parents or native place. There are no known clues as to exactly where in Ireland he was born.


1878 Death:

1878 death record

St. Louis, Missouri
4th entry

1878 Burial

He is buried with his daughter Margaret, his infant grandson Walter, and his infant granddaughter Bridget. Nancy Murphy, who is shown in that plot on the cemetery website, is not a relative. Calvary Cemetery staff say she was buried in this plot and later moved to the plot she paid for. (Her husband was a DIFFERENT Michael Murphy.) I do not know why they do not correct this record on their website.

Family plot in Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis

Census Records:

1860 Census

Page 1, lines 38-40. Nearly everyone on this page was born in Ireland, and only one person had any property or money. This was a really poor neighborhood. (“do” means “ditto” or “same.”)

Page 2, lines 1-2

1870 Census

lines 1-7