Chart | Passenger | Death| Census
Immigrant. Earliest person of this line.
Husband of Gertrude
Facts (with source information): Narrative Report
What's so great about these records?
Very little is known about this man, but the census records are interesting. The 1870 census is a bit of a mess. It says his wife was born in Missouri, his daughter in Hanover. It also says his daughter was named Madeline. We know her name was Helena, and that her father called her Lena. Perhaps their English was poor in 1870 and the census taker did not understand them.
1867 Passenger Record
SS Atlantic arrived at New York City Sept. 11, 1867. The top of this page gives that information.
Franz Grove, wife and daughter
lines 8-10
1886 Death
St. Louis, Missouri
second-last entry
Census Records
1870 Census
lines 9-11